Wednesday, 29 February 2012

District 10 pin bowling quarter final Tuesday 28th February

This match was against the Bretby club at Chesterfield.  First game we were ahead, but the second game I played absolutely awful and as a result - we lost.  Congratulations to Bretby.  Good luck for the next round.

Visit to the Rotary Club of Bolton Tuesday 28th February

Nothing to do with being DG this time.  Lorraine joined me for this visit to give a talk on Aquabox and a demonstration of the new filter as well as collecting a cheque for £200.

Monday 27th February

A busy day commenced with a training meeting in Belper with DGE David and his team to review PETS and DOTS and plan his Assembly.
Then off to the Rotary Club of Alfreton for lunch to present an award to Rtn. Gordon Harwood for his contribution to Polio Eradication.
Finally, an informal visit to the Rotary Club of Heanor with AG Roger Summers.

Melbourne Charter Sunday 26th February

This was held at Cleve Lodge Long Eaton.  A very pleasant informal lunch with very few formalities

West Ashfield Charter Saturday 25th February

Held at the Derbyshire Hotel, this was a traditional Charter with the addition of a good male voice choir for the entertainment.

Horbury and Ossett Phoenix Charter Friday 24th February

Went to my previous club in Yorkshire for their 19th Charter.  It was good to see some old friends, especially Ian Rayner and to spend the evening with my fellow DG Willie Clark.  The club is as mad as when I left them 19 years ago (ex Round Tablers)

District heat of Young Chef Thursday 23rd February

Unable to attened the first heat on Tuesday, Lorraine and I attended the second heat and were very impressed by the standard of the cooking and presentation as well as the calm manner in the preparation of the food.  Photos show the winner of Tuesdays heat with AG Roger Summers and the winner of the Thursday heat with me.

District Team Meeting Tuesday 21st February

Held at the Novotel.  Good turn out by the team.  Lots of discussion, particularly about membership and how we take this forward.  Nice to see Val and Terry back in the country.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Visit to the Rotary Club of Sherwood Sunrisers

Lorraine and I left Darley Dale very early on Tuesday morning to take part in the Sunrisers Pancake Tossing Competition.  Despite us both trying hard the 'tosser of the year' was awarded to Assistant Governor Noel Harrison.

Young Photographer Judging Monday 20th February

Met up with Rtn. Tony Storer and his team as they judged the Young Photographer competition.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Brunch at Darley Dale Saturday 18th February

Lorraine and I held a brunch for Rotarians and their partners who have joined in this Rotary year.  There was a good response for this opportunity to meet other Rotarians and our RIBI President Burman and his wife Victoria.  Lots of bacon sandwiches etc were consumed.

This event has made me wonder if a Saturday morning Rotary Club could be something for the future.

Visit to the Aquabox Depot, Saturday 18th February

Took Burman to the Aquabox Depot where he was very impressed by this project organised by the Rotary Club of Wirksworth (my club) that has brought so much relief to those in need around the world.  Burman helped to stack the boxes.

Rotary Club of Retford 75th Charter Friday 17th February.

This was the main reason for Burman and Victoria's visit was to attend this birthday party celebration of 75 years service to Rotary.  A well planned evening with a good attendance from a number of clubs and entertainment from some young Irish Dancers.  It was my pleasure to present a certificate from the RI President to commemorate the event.  Two Paul Harris Fellowships were awarded and a new member inducted.  Congratulations to President Terry and his team.

Visit to Chatsworth Friday 17th February

Despite Chatsworth being closed we were given a special tour of the grounds to allow RIBI President Burman to see the Rotary Diamond which had been presented to the late Duke in 2001.  Whilst there I thought I'd give it a polish.
Also at Chatsworth Hope Valley President Ian and Burman collected more bicycles for Africa.

Visit to Burton upon Trent Friday 17th February

A really busy morning with members of the Rotary Clubs of Burton upon Trent, Bretby and Swadlincote who are jointly organising a 'Rotary Showcase' in May.  The visit covered seeing the site of the Rotary Spring Clean, meeting the Mayor of Burton (Rtn Patricia) at the Town Hall, a brief visit to the Brewery and finally lunch at Chestnut Grange Care Home where the Burton Club have made a contribution to the gardens. Whilst at the Town Hall Bretby President Andrew was presented with a banner for the Club's contribution to the Rotary Foundation Annual Giving.

Rotary Club of Chesterfield Scarsdale Charter Thursday 16th February

Lorraine and I accompanied RIBI President Burman and Victoria to the Red Lion Hotel for the Charter.
This was held on the new extension.  The evening was supported by a number of local clubs although the speaker for the evening was not the best choice for mixed company.
During the evening RIBI President Burman presented President Ian of the Hope Valley Club with the RIBI Eco Award to the project (recycling bicycles to Africa).  They were supported in this project by the Rotary Club of Matlock.

Visit to the Rotary Club of Bingham Thursday 16th February

Originally planned as a visit from RIBI President Ray Burman.  Unfortunately owing to a clash of meetings he was unable to attend.  Immediate past RIBI President Jim agreed to take his place.  Lorraine and I were made very welcome, as always and it was nice to meet both members and their partners.
Caroline Rossin was at the meeting to accept a cheque on behalf of Rainbows Hospice.

Rotary Club of Carlton Charter Wednesday 15th February.

Driver for this Charter was Rtn. David Haspel.  President welcomed his guests with pre-dinner drinks.  Rtn Fred Carver, the speaker was very amusing.

Rotary Club of Keyworth and Ruddington Charter Monday 13th February

Accompanied by Rtn John Wright I attended the club charter at the Country Cottage, Keyworth.  The evening included musical entertainment by a quartet from the local college.  Awaiting picture from the club.

Monday, 13 February 2012

PETS Meeting Sunday 12th February

Held at The Lion Hotel, Belper by DGE David,  it was well attended by the majority of the incoming Presidents and incoming District Team.  I opened the meeting and then left David with his team, reminding them that there is still four months, two weeks and two days left of this Rotary Year.

Rotary Club of Long Eaton Dawnbreakers Charter Saturday 11th February

Bollywood came to Long Eaton in the form of their Charter.  Most of Dawnbreaker members dressed accordingly.  The venue was very good apart from the Gents toilets being outside the building and down a flight of stairs (glad it wasn't snowing!).  We were also kept fit by being taught how to dance Bollywood style.
I was the coffee waiter on the top table.
I was privileged to present two members with Paul Harris Fellows and an award to the Dawnbreaker of the year

Rotary Club of Newark Charter Thursday 9th February

The weather forcast was for snow Thursday afternoon and evening so we decided to leave home early and book into a Hotel in Newark.  President Malcolm and Faith had their family at the Charter which was held at The Cedric Ford Pavilion on Newark Show Ground.
PDG Rami Seth was the speaker.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Ten Pin Bowling Competition Wednesday 8th February

Took part in the District 10 pin bowling competition, Wirksworth against Ashbourne at the Derby Bowl Centre. The first game was very close but I am pleased to report that the Wirksworth Club pulled away in the second game to win the game.  Despite a very noisy atmosphere and very low lighting we all had an enjoyable evening.

Rotary Club of Nottingham Charter Friday 3rd February

This was a little difference as to most charters as it was held at Chungs Chinese Restaurant at Mapperley Plains.

The food was really excellent and after the meal we were entertained with a 'Lion Dance' and then a Karaoke evening.  Most people were reluctant to take part other than me and the top table.

Rotary Club of Swadlincote Charter Thursday 2nd February

Conkers is a challenging place to find.  Even the sat nav gave up about one mile away and some of the guests were late arriving having the same problem.  President Ernie made us very welcome and Margaret a solo vocalist  concluded the evening.

District Officers Training Wednesday 1st February

Held at The John Godber Centre in Hucknall.  It was a well attended meeting with the incoming officers for 2012/13.  It hardly seems a year since I was training my team.  There were lots of good ideas and I know David and his team will have a great year.

Visit to Rotary Club of Bakewell Wednesday 1st February

Informal visit to the club to take Rtn David Udall to see his good friend Derek Harrison, a member of the Bakewell Club.  Very interesting speaker from the Brewery at Thornbridge Hall.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Visit to the Rotary Club of Bretby Monday 30th January

This was my last official Club visit of the year.  I was accompanied by Wirksworth Rotarian Andrew Ormond.
The Club has just been awarded a PR Grant to organise a Rotary Showcase during May with the Rotary Clubs of Burton on Trent and Swadlincote.

Meeting of Past District Governors Monday 30th January

This meeting was held at The Cottage at Blackwell following the Alfreton Club Meeting.  This was an opportunity for the Past District Governors and me to hear from DGE David Ashley the theme for 2012/13 and an update on the training he had received in San Diego.